In this section you will find the novels that I have written and that you can find in the bookshops or which publication is guaranteed. Undoubtedly, it is possible that you may find SPOILERS in the text of the back cover, so if you haven’t read the books... Be careful!
Melted chocolate, a little bit of sulphur, some drops of bat blood, trol mucus, a pair of superelastic monkey hairs, a few hairs of superfast cheetah, a scale of a crocodile with the invisibility power and a hair of lion mane with an incredible super strength. Let it cook on a low heat for one hour and… READY! The Wizard with no Face had come up with the magic formula to turn him into the most powerful and wicked wizard of all times. We had to prevent him from doing it but… HOW? We were trapped by his black magic!
Edición: |
Beascoa (Spain)
Súper Fieras
6 of May of 2011
1st Edition |