I was born in Madrid the 13th January 1979 and I studied a degree in Business Administration and Management at Universidad Pontificia Comillas - ICADE. When I was 27 I managed to publish, hand in hand with Publishing company Montena, mi first novel: Elliot Tomclyde. As you can understand, I will always have very good memories of this book.
Mi case is, in short, that of a normal an ordinary boy that one day takes the initiative to start writing a novel and ends up publishing successfully in one of the largest publishing groups in our country which was Random House Mondadori, currently Penguin Random House. With Elliot Tomclyde I made my way into the literary world while the next volumes of the saga were published in the following years, consolidating me as a writer.
Many years have passed and there are a few projects that have joined my private collection since then: Chronicles of Atlantis, The Atlantean Games, The Brotherhood of Eternal Darkness, the Superfieras series (Hormigosaurus was also published in Brazil!)... My latest work is The Knight of Letters, an exciting medieval adventure about the magic of letters
Also, during all this time I have visited many schools in Spain, giving talks that help promote reading and discover that writer that many of you have inside. I have also been a lecturer, a literary jury, I have collaborated with different publishers evaluating literary texts, I have attended countless book fairs...
Finally, I will tell you something about my preferences. Obviously, the reading cannot miss among them. I prefer novels of adventure, science-fiction, mystery, fantasy... I do not have a type of model book. The cinema is also among my favorite activities. As in reading, I like to watch movies of a similar genre. And, when possible, I also enjoy traveling. There are many ideas hidden in remote places waiting to be discovered on one of those trips!